An Entrepreneurial Journey though Jungles, Mountains, Oceans
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Teaching “Operations for Entrepreneurs” at ASB

During the months of Nov-Dec 2018 I taught for the first time at Asia School of Business “Operations for Entrepreneurs” to the MBA 2019. During 8 intense days, we talked about the journey of trekking through the jungles, hiking the mountains and sailing the oceans. We discussed the cases of Tesla, SkinnyGirl, Unity Homes, Venture for America and more. We also reflect on whether we can develop a framework to identify nailers, scalers and sailers and how we can use this information to make better career choices.

I am curious to hear from my students what were their takeaways, what were their favorite concepts or cases and how can we continue to improve the NSS framework. Let me know in the comments below please! Thank you!

Loredana PadureanComment